RATIONALE: The exquisite sensitivity of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and its synergy with ALMA, enabled the discoveries of a large number of dust-rich galaxies in the distant universe. The nature of these sources is critical to our understanding of how massive galaxies assemble and how their large dust reservoirs may have been formed at early cosmic times. However, the abundance of dust in the ISM is regulated by a complex network of dust formation and destruction channels, and their exact origins remain an open question, in particular in the early universe.
ABOUT THE IFPU FOCUSED WEEK: The IFPU focused week is a small and focused workshop with limited attendance (~25 people). It gathers major experts in the field of observational and theoretical dusty galaxy formation and evolution, and is focused on identifying and discussing outstanding questions related to galaxies’ ISM dust evolution from the cosmic noon to the EoR and beyond.
- The meeting will include 2 days of short (15min) talks, and 3 days of active discussions to shape projects/proposals and papers aimed at addressing such questions.
dust formation & dust removal mechanisms
theoretical vs. observational perspectives -
dust attenuation
PAH in galaxies
nature of dust in diverse galaxy populations
metal-gas-dust connections in high-z galaxies with JWST & ALMA

Workshop is supported by:
